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Meeting in Tenerife

On June 30 and July 1 it took place at the Higher School of Engineering and Technology of the University of La Laguna, and in hybrid format, the I Workshop Women@INF. This event is part of the project “Computer science research in Spain: Visualizing and making visible the work of women”, financed by the Women's Institute of the Ministry of Equality.

This event has served to share and present the activities carried out within the framework of the project to date, as well as the planning of future actions. To do this, it has brought together members of the project, and representatives of the Commission “Women in Informatics” of SCIE, belonging to different companies within the scope of SCIE.

The results to date include a preliminary analysis of the current situation of female researchers in computer science, as well as a compilation of initiatives that are being carried out by different schools, faculties and societies to reduce the existing gender gap and promote the presence of women in computing. The analysis has been carried out based on data from more than 350 responses to an exhaustive questionnaire prepared and validated as part of the project, which seeks to know, first-hand, the current situation and the vision of the researchers in the area. of IT on issues related to work-life balance, talent attraction and retention, and gender biases.
The questionnaire remains open, and can be completed completely anonymously at this link.